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as one finds in the Student Christian Movement. I like to regard denominations as necessary but relatively unimportant parts of the whole. To me it is not sect that matters, but the Church of Christ. It has long been my impression that Missions are less hampered by the barrier of denominationalism than the Church at home. When Dr. Taylor originally drew my attention to the needs of your Society, I mentioned the fact that I felt I might not ‘fit in’ with some Societies – but he said that he did not think that was likely as far as the English Presbyterians were concerned. From what you say it would appear that this is not likely to stand in the way. Of course I realize that you would want some guarantees as regards the essentials.
The third consideration that, since I have no private means, the Society I worked with would promise enough. A Medical Missionary Volunteer is not one who is out to make money, but I realize that some missionaries have to draw money from other sources to make up the necessary. I assume from what you say, your Society provides enough to live on. Assured of that



