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A Medical Missionary Problem.
By R.H.Mumford, M.B., C.H.B
It is a constant source of regret to the missionary doctor in the Far East that his patients, for the most part, have to pay fees towards the cost of treatment. It is, of course, true that what is charged is not only much less than what patients are charged elsewhere, and very little in proportion to the value of services rendered, but also a fact that the Hospitals are dependent on help from the Church in England. Nevertheless it cannot easily be forgotten that Britain and other countries are blessed with splendid Free Hospitals and Dispensaries. Not only are these lacking out here, but the bulk of the population consists of peasantry who are always living precariously near poverty, if not actual want. Thus the advent of disease into à homeis not a cause of grievous anxiety in itself, but also a financial menace.
It cannot be wondered at, therefore, that money matters enter into professional consultations to an extent that would be ludicrous if sometimes if it were not pathetic. The following dialogue which took place recently at the Mission Hospital in Shokwa is typical. Doctor: “I am sorry to have to tell you that your wife is dangerously ill and the only hope, lies in an operation; even then……”
Husband, interrupting, “How much would it cost?”
The financial bogey is partly responsible for the fact that the doctor who works in the East has to deal with disease in more advanced forms, for most part, than his professional brother at home. Ignorance is more responsible, and with poverty, causes much in the way of suffering and loss of life.
What has been written applies to normal times. Unfortunately, we’re now living in times which are depressingly abnormal, everywhere. The people in Formosa, part of the Japanese Empire, at the

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