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序號 | 書信、報告、手稿、日記、繪圖-文輔道往來信函-42

1929.08.09 文輔道寫給Maclagan醫生信件-3

trouble – naturally not altogether O.K. after such a long history of untreated dysentery had (not unsurprisingly) fallen victim to local inflammation. So the treatment, in addition to the many-sided investigations, aimed at cleaning up the local unhealthy spots by lavage + other up-to-fate methods. This local treatment, plus the investigations has occupied 2 weeks & now must follow weeks of convalescent treatment which can very well be carried out at home, but which would be more or less ineffective if not preceeded by the local treatment which could only have been obtained in Hospital.
So now with dieting medicine & taking things easy. I hope to get over all this business in 6 or 8 weeks. The Hospital for Tropical Diseases has had such a lot of experience with cases similar to mine that one can justifiably accept their verdict & hopes for the future. Dr. Manson Bair



