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序號 | 彰基出版品-Digital Contents of the 2023 Heroic Tales Exhibition at the St. George's Tron Church of Scotland-18
Digital Contents of the 2023 Heroic Tales Exhibition at the St. George's Tron Church of Scotland

Missionaries in Central Taiwan-Reverend Campbell Naismith Moody (1865-1940)

Reverend Moody was born in Bothwell, Scotland, graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1884, then went to Free Church College in Glasgow to study Theology. He answered God’s call as a missionary after serving God as a minister in the Glasgow metro for a couple of years. He was the most important colleague of Dr. David Landborough III, whom they accomplished together arrived in Taiwan in 1865 and started the medical mission in central Taiwan in 1896. They co-worked closely for Changhua Hospital and planted at least 25 churches in Central Taiwan. He rested in peace in 1940 and was buried in Lennextown.


