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序號 | 書信、報告、手稿、日記、繪圖-文輔道往來信函-10


The Secretary + Superintendent of the E.M.M.S, Dr. Lechmere Taylor, told me some months ago something of the needs of the British Presbyterians, in South China. What he then said, and what I have since heard from other sources (for example, I am now reading Dr. Campbell Gibson’s “Mission Problems + Mission Methods in South China”) has led me to write this letter. I feel the ‘call’ to China to-day, as never before and earnestly hope I may be able to get out there as soon as possible. 1½ years training at the university has only increased one’s impatience to be ‘up and doing’ at the spot.
As I find such find such a letter as this most difficult to write, being a new experience, I hardly know what one ought to say under such circumstances. So I will be content, meanwhile, to ask you to consider myself as a possible candidate as a Medical Missionary with your society. If there should be such a possibility, it will be easier + more satisfactory for me to answer any questions to which you may ask me myself, my missionary motives, Christian beliefs, etc.
This letter may, then, serve as an introduction, which you may perhaps may see fit to

愛丁堡醫療宣教傳道會(E.M.M.S)的秘書長兼主管 Lechmere Taylor醫生數月前曾告訴我,有關英國長老教會在中國的一些需求。正因這些話,以及我後續耳聞到的一些消息(比如說我正在讀Campbell Gibson醫生所撰寫的「宣教會於中國南方所面臨的問題與應處作為」),促使我寫這封信。我感覺中國正在「召喚」我,使得我迫不及待前往中國,在大學一年半期間也只讓我更想快點採取行動。


