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序號 | 書信、報告、手稿、日記、繪圖-文輔道往來信函-25

1924.07.11 文輔道寫給Maclagan醫生信件-3

failed even though I know that I will be all the better for another few months work, from a professional point of view. I should not have attempted so great an ordeal with my class uncompleted – but I am glad I did.
As I have now come to end of the financial assistance I have been receiving as an ex-service man from the Government, it is necessary for me to cut out all expenditure that can be avoided, so I shall. I think, be unable to go South this summer as I had thought of doing. Thus it would appear that we will be unable to continue that talk we had a few weeks ago (It seems years ago to me, with that intervening 12 days’ nightmare!). I intend to stay at home this summer and take my holidays in the Yorkshire moors.
This letter seems rather long and rambling + I apologise for its unnecessary length – for which I have my present “muddle headiness”. In fact, I think I had better ask you to be good enough to regard it as a private + unofficial communication.
With very kind regards
I remain
Yours sincerely,


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