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序號 | 書信、報告、手稿、日記、繪圖-文輔道往來信函-41

1929.08.09 文輔道寫給Maclagan醫生信件-2

relieved the obstruction, but which left the undermining element still unsuspected – as before. And so recurrence of trouble in April was not surprising. There was still an absence of direct evidence of dysentery, but Professor Digsby of Hong Kong University, consulted at the request of Dr. Montgomery suggested that a course of specific anti-dysenteric treatment be administered. This was followed by dramatic results & I left for England to convalesce. Apart from an attack of illness when near Malaya I had a splendid voyage. I arrived home 1/2 a stone heavier & eating “everything”. After 10 days here bowel symptoms developed – not exactly as before. A very thorough over-hauling at the Tropical Diseases Hospital resulted in the diagnosis that I was suffering from “Post-dysenteric colitis”. That indicates that the site of the former



