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序號 | 書信、報告、手稿、日記、繪圖-文輔道往來信函-50

1929.10.19 Percy Cheal寫給文輔道信件-1

My dear Mumford,
Dr. Landsborough and I have been requested by Council to write you respecting your proposal for early return to work out here, and the doctor has asked me to indite the epistle.
What we all feel is this – that, needed as you are out here, it would be false economy and very questionable wisdom to come out again after until you are not only physically fit for immediate work, but sufficiently recuperated to stand the strain throughout your next term of service.
You had an extremely difficult time throughout your first term both with repeated severe illnesses and with nervous strain of the work, the one interacting on the other till it was only a marvel that you were sufficiently well to take the journey home when you did.
All this has necessarily bought your resistance down to a very low ebb, and though you may be fit to carry on further study at home it would seem to us to be far too early to risk coming out again until this resistance is more fully restored.
Though things at Shokwa seem to be happily working now and we trust, and expect, that the troubles there are things of the past – yet there are always worries connected with the work as you well know, and if one is not physically fit one’s tackling of these gives no satisfaction either to one’s self or to the people here. Beyond this there is need for physical fitness for the ordinary routine Hospital work with it’s oft-times trying patients, trying weather, and the thousand and one trying things on wings and in the atmospherics.
You are needed out here, but you are needed as a physically fit man.
In the meantime Dr. Landsborough appears extremely well and full of pep – in other words the work can go on for the present, and the urgency will come when Dr. L and I have our furloughs. When you have to carry on (so far as we can see at present) alone on the field, there will necessarily be heavy strain devolving on you. May we urge you not to jeopardise your chance of being able to meet it by too early return to work.
Your colleagues regard you are deserving of a long rest and time of convalescence, and venture to express the opinion that anything else than this would lay you open to a very grave risk of further breakdown.



