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序號 | 書信、報告、手稿、日記、繪圖-文輔道往來信函-57


His colleagues don’t see how he can last. One letter said “he looked ghastly”! This was after a flu bout. I am unofficially told that I’ll have to release Cheal at Tainan on my return. This is an unofficial opinion of an individual so please take no official notice of it. Also this I hear that Dr. Landsborough has kept marvelously well to date, he warned me in a recent letter not to rely on his health too much. Shoka Hospital is raking in the shekels more than ever & has the Biblewomen at work. I do wish we could have a nurse to understudy Miss. Elliott. She has 12 native girls at work & I do not like to think of her furlough. Also her health (heart) is not consistently good. We’ve organized the work in such a way that, as at home, more & more of the work is done by the missus, & consequently less by the young male elements, the most uncertain part of Chinese society these days.
Kind Regards,
Yours sincerely
R.H. Mumford


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