The indigenous tribes’ history in Taiwan has developed as long as many thousand years. Each tribe has its own culture.
According to the Council of Indigenous Peoples, the official department of government of Taiwan, there are 16 tribes: Amis (阿美族); Atayal (泰雅族); Paiwan (排灣族); Bunun (布農族); Pinuyumayan (卑南族); Rukai (魯凱族); Cou (鄒族); Saisiyat (賽夏族); Yami (雅美族); Thao (邵族); Kavalan (噶瑪蘭族); Truku (太魯閣族); Sakizaya (撒奇萊雅族); Sediq (賽德克族); Hla’alua (拉阿魯哇族); Kanakanavu (卡那卡那富族).
Digital Contents of the 2023 Heroic Tales Exhibition at the St. George's Tron Church of Scotland