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序號 | 彰基出版品-Digital Contents of the 2023 Heroic Tales Exhibition at the St. George's Tron Church of Scotland-41
Digital Contents of the 2023 Heroic Tales Exhibition at the St. George's Tron Church of Scotland

Tainan Sinlou Hospital Then and Now

Dr. James L. Maxwell, the pioneer who brought the Gospel into Taiwan, established the very first medical mission clinic in Tainan in 1965. This mission clinic developed into the Sinlou Hospital and has grown as a medical care center in southern Taiwan.

Every Scottish missionary must stay in Tainan for local Language training and must pass the examination. In the late 19th century, the Sinlou Hospital, Boys' school, Girls' school, and the Tainan Theological College gathered together to form a mission center in Southern Taiwan.


